Post #5: Reflection on Oral Presentation 2

I must say that the team did well overall! We took on the role of a cloud computing host and we indeed portrayed professionalism to suit our roles, starting with our formal wear to the way we delivered the presentation. We each have a different delivery style and portrayed a confident front when presenting. Frank gave an impactful opening with his expressive introduction while Christabel gave a concise and steady presentation. I also managed to pull it off quite well.

Initially, I was really nervous so I used a lot of “erm”s but later, when I became comfortable, my body language and my tone became more relaxed and reduced the use of pause fillers. Comparing to the first presentation, I have improved as I was more comfortable throughout the presentation and used the hand gestures more appropriately.

My concern is more on the presentation slides that we used. The slides transition would have been smoother if we used the conventional power point presentation instead of using the pptplex. It was difficult for me when clicking the slides for Frank because of the difficulty in adjusting the slide to the area Frank wanted to focus on. Perhaps I needed to familiarise with this program and conduct more rehearsals with my team to ensure better transition of slides. Also, I find that the function of showing all the slides in each section at once at the overview page eliminates the “surprise” element of the presentation. Hence, I would rather stick to using the conventional power point presentation to reduce distractions for the audience and inconvenience for my team.

During the Q&A section, we were taken by surprise when receiving the kind of questions posed to us especially Mr James’. His questions were definitely the most challenging ones and they kept me pondering on the chances of success if an actual cloud computing company was embarking on our project and approaching NUS to shift their server! Nevertheless, we managed to provide appropriate answers to the questions despite struggling to think of a suitable reply. I hope that my team continues to improve and perform even better for the next presentation! 

5 comments: (+add yours?)

Khai said...

Hi Winyee !

Let me first congratulate your group on putting up a really impactful, engaging and dynamic presentation ! It was really ingenious of your group to utilize a video to give the audience an overview of cloud computing.The visual imagery and clear voice over really facilitated towards my understanding of your group's presentation.

I believe that nerves is just part and parcel of an oral presentation.In fact, I myself do get nervous the first few minutes into any oral presentation. I suppose its just human nature. However, it is key not to allow it to overtake or affect your presentation. From my viewpoint , it was not that apparent that you were not nervous hence you did a good job in masking it.

The slides used were really impactful and clear. I like the interesting feature of zooming in and out of the slides. I felt this allowed the audience to get the big-picture for the individual components. I believe its just a manner of getting used to the interface and over time you may actually prefer it to powerpoint.

Lastly, although your team may have received some of the most challenging questions , your team did a great job in answering them. There was clearly a good understanding amongst your team to address the really complex questions.

Best Regards,

ganjianhwee said...

Hi Winyee,

I think your team’s use of visual aids was refreshing. The ‘zoom’ feature that the conventional presentation lacks has the potential to make the team look professional. Moreover, I did not feel it was distracting. The slight problem was probably that the main page was too crowded and small and I guess we could not really see which part was zoomed into. Perhaps the colour of the fonts on the main page could be made slightly more visible to the audience too.

In addition, I think that flaws in our proposal are unavoidable and when questioned, your team have justified the proposal reasonably confidently despite bombardments of tough questions. At a professional level, it should be easier to convince sceptics too.

Finally, I want to congratulate you and your team for giving a clear and organised presentation. Perhaps you might want to experiment with the program more as it could prove useful in the future.

Jian Hwee

Frank Ngo said...

Hi Win Yee,

I am saying this not because I am your team mate, but for I objectively believe that you did a quite commendable job! And I am thankful to have you as a team mate :D

Nervousness is an unavoidable feeling when one has to present to a group of audience of any size. It is even more challenging to persuade the audience to take in the concept being presented. You can't imagine how cold my feet were when I had to set the ball rolling for our group presentation. Just like you, at first, I was wooden. Nonetheless, after a while, I felt better and finally managed to naturally deliver the speech.

Talking about the slides, initially, I wanted to try something new and eye-catching. That's why I tried to used pptplex. Personally, I thought that this program was pretty cool. What I didn't think of was that the two of you might have difficulties using the program. Not until the last minute rehearsal did I find out that you were not familiar with the program. As we were short of time, I couldn't change back to ppt. The lesson learned is we should either spend more time rehearsing to familiarizing ourselves or stick to the conventional ppt.

For the Q&A part, we had foreseen that we would be bombarded with questions from Mr James, yet we didn't think they would be that challenging. However, from what I see in the feedbacks, though we couldn't answer the question very successfully, our efforts were rather satisfying.

On the whole, once again, I need to thank you and Christabel for having done an excellent job. All the best to your group's oral defense.


Saurabh Arora said...

Hi Win Yee,

Congratulations for such an awesome presentation. Your group was the first one to present and I believe u all did an excellent job and raised the bar for all of us. To be honest, once your team completed the presentation, I was left wondering if my team would be able to match that.

I am a bit surprised to read that you were nervous during the presentation. According to me your presentation went smoothly. You were loud and clear. You modulated your tone according to the aspects you were touching upon. You appeared well prepared and professional.
At no point did I feel that the slides were distracting. I found the zoom feature quite interesting and it definitely did catch my attention. Also I feel that the showing all the slides in each section at once at the overview page did not eliminate the ‘surprise’ element as all the slides were too small and the transition was so quick that the audience would not have been able to notice the individual slides.

Presenting first definitely has some disadvantages. Your group became a victim of Mr. James bad mood. Though the answers the team gave were not very convincing, I really admired the way your team handled the bombardment. There was a good understanding between the team members and each member helped the other while answering the complex questions. Nice teamwork!

Best of luck for your group’s Oral Defence!


Santhosh said...

Hi Winyee,

First of all,Congratulations to your team for performing an awesome presentation and I admit that there has been a huge improvement from the Oral presentation 1.Well done!!

The whole presentation depends on the first speaker.If the first speaker fails to attract the audience then that’s it, it becomes difficult for the other speakers to attract them. So in every presentation I think the first speaker plays a crucial role and to be honest,In your part I should confess that Frank attracted the whole bunch of audience throughout his presentation and it became easy for you to come and deliver. To me, you looked like a professional speaker.

Your voice was loud and clear, and the pace you used was excellent that your message was clearly understood by the audience and thereby resulting in effective communication. I should admit that you had excellent eye contact with the audience and you never even looked at the cue cards or at screen which just tells the audience how well prepared and confident the speaker is.

The only negative which I saw in your group’s presentation was during the Q & A session. It is true that we were all stunned by Mr.James questions and your group being the first one to present was another big disadvantage. But I thought your group answered appropriately to most of the questions posed by audience and by Mr.James.

Moreover, the zoom feature which your group used was not at all distracting to the audience but in fact it made your group look more professional.

Overall, An excellent performance from you as well as from your team and all the best for the Oral defense!!


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