CG1413 has enabled me to gain useful personal skills when communicating in team or with individuals! I have learnt to take note of some of the things that I tend to overlook when communicating such as to defer judgement. For example, I used to form questions in my mind as I listened to someone speak. The lesson I had on active listening made me realise that its time I kicked this habit of mine to improve on my communication skills effectively!
The projects were helpful in giving us a hands-on application of the skills! For CG1102 CICMS project, I'm fortunate to have such committed and efficient team members. We usually divided the labour evenly and according to our preference since we may have our own forte. Everyone was committed to submitting our tasks by the deadline so that we don't delay the consolidation of the lab. Sometimes, if the stronger members finished the tasks early, I would try to contribute in another way such as drafting the report. As a team member, I tried to contribute to the project in various ways and have gained a lot from my team mates in terms in different ways, be it academically or their work ethics.
As for the CG1413 project, I remember that we were not entirely comfortable speaking up so I thought that talking about non school related issues would break the ice during our first meeting. It indeed helped us lighten the mood and discussion became easier! One major hiccup for us was when we tried to generate problems that allow feasible solutions. The problems we suggested were either not a real “problem” or there was no feasible solutions for it. Hence, we decided to use the suggested topic- Cloud Computing, which turned out to be an interesting topic in my opinion. Initially, I was apprehensive as we were unfamiliar with the topic but after much research, we got a good grasp of it. I learnt that working as a team, we can help each other along the way and overcome challenges together. It was definitely a relief when the project ended smoothly!
CG1413 has been a very interactive and fun module for me! Along the way, it also allows me to forge valuable friendship with my classmates which the other modules will not really provide me the opportunity with. Also, I am very thankful for all the effort my teammates have put in for the projects and I sincerely wish that I could work with them again in future!